Stop, Breathe, and Imagine!

Stop, Breathe, and Imagine!

Do you feel like you lack imagination, clarity, or have a hard time trusting that inner knowing? Your Third Eye Chakra might need a little balancing. Physically, you might be experiencing frequent headaches, insomnia, anxiety or depression. This is something I know all too well. Headaches were once a daily thing for me. 8 years ago I was traveling in El Salvador with my family and had an excruciating migraine. My sister had just started practicing Reiki and offered to help. I laid down, and she placed her hands on my head with her thumbs resting between my eyebrows. About 30 minutes passed, I took the best nap of my life, headache was gone, and so began my journey with Reiki and Energy Healing. Looking back now, I can see how I was deeply “stuck in my head,” not being able to see the bigger picture, or trust in my guides and intuition. Although I still get headaches from time to time, I recognize them as reminders to stop, think less, breathe more, and recalibrate my energy using these simple tools.

*Let Your Imagination Run Wild-take at least 10 minutes everyday, close your eyes and bring your attention to the point between your eyebrows. Visualize the color indigo blue (the color associated with this chakra), followed by visualizing the life you desire even it feels unattainable. This activates the pineal gland and boosts serotonin levels which plays a vital role in balancing mood and hormones. The more emotionally stable you feel, the easier it will be to trust your intuition.

*Crystal Meditation-I like using Lapis Lazuli or Peacock Ore over the third eye. Place the crystal over the third eye while sitting or lying down and become aware of any messages, words, images, or feelings that may come up. Lapis lazuli is said to access our “deep cellular memory, our hurts and fears, and bring them into acceptance in our lives throughout the wisdom of higher consciousness. When this occurs, we are better able to cope with whatever life deals out to us. Peacock Ore is said to give energy back to the self and “bring the ability to see and appreciate the joy in every moment as well as a feeling of acceptance that all is as it should be.”

*Essential Oils- Frankincense promotes deep relaxation and helps the mind move quickly into a dream state. Place 1-2 drops on the index or middle finger and lightly press on the point between the brows. Hold for 30 seconds-1 minute or until you feel a shift in your mental state. More on the therapeutic effects of essential oils at

*Reiki-a gentle and safe method of spiritual healing administered by “laying on hands” over the Chakras, joints, or any area of the body where there may be pain or discomfort. Reiki has been effective in helping many health conditions such as, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and chronic pain. It also works in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques to help relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Thanks for stopping by! Questions? I’m here to help. Online booking for Reiki available on my website.


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