A New Year…

January is rarely an exciting month for me. I tend to stumble into each year with a hint of sadness and anxiety around all the things I didn’t do the previous year and am reminded of how fast time goes by. I’m a big Marie Forleo fan and in a recent podcast she asks:

1)what are you most proud of in 2017?
2)what was your biggest mistake/learning lesson?
3) what are you ready to let go of?

1. I’m most proud of allowing myself to be truly vulnerable with my partner

2. My business suffered because I didn’t trust my intuition with a client

3. Its time to let go of my fears around having children

I don’t know what will come in 2018 but one thing is certain; Sundays spent with my little family will continue to be a priority. I share this for those who might be feeling overwhelmed, nervous, or a little lost in this new year and what it may bring. Asking myself these three questions changed the tone for me as I hope it does for you.


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