Are Menstrual Cramps Ruining Your Day?

Are Menstrual Cramps Ruining Your Day?

Are you missing work, canceling social events, or taking Midol after Midol because you’re in so much pain? I feel you sister!

In my early twenties, after getting so tired of keeling over in pain every month, I finally went to see an OBGYN and was diagnosed with Uterine fibroids. Fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) cysts that grow on the inner or our outer lining of the uterus and can cause heavy bleeding and severe cramping during your period. Thankfully, I found found Chinese Medicine soon after I was diagnosed and experienced tremendous relief from Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, and Dietary Changes.

Now, cramps aren’t always caused by fibroids. You may have a hormonal imbalance or poor circulation in your reproductive organs which can also cause cramping. I often recommend my patients get a pelvic ultrasound to confirm if fibroids might be the cause. If you’ve had Acupuncture and experienced relief, yahoo! The ideal situation would be to get Acupuncture about a week before your period starts or while you’re on it. However, because you’re a busy bee this is probably difficult to do every month.

So, if you can’t fit Acupuncture into your schedule, I HIGHLY recommed you try Doterra’s Clary Calm (Women’s Monthly Blend). This is actually the first doterra product I was introduced to about 8 years ago and Halleluja, this stuff works! Not ony does it help with menstrual cramps but it also helps soothe PMS and menopausal symptoms! If you’re cranky, weepy, tired, or having ridiculous night sweats or hot flashes, treat yourself to this sweet, smelling blend my friend. Just because these symptoms are very common among women, that doesn’t mean these sympoms are normal, and you certainly shouldn’t have to suffer month after month. You deserve to feel your best, always!

Here’a a list of some of the oils in Clary Clam and their healing properties:

“Clary Sage: helps balance estrogen and other hormones associated with PMS and menopause symptoms.

Lavender: has soothing properties and is often used to help balance and calm emotions associated with PMS

Bergamot: helps relieve feelings of stress and agitation, relieves tension, and helps balance emotions.

Roman Chamomile: is antispasmotic and has calming and relaxing properties. It is often used to help balance emotions and relieve symptoms related to menopause.

Ylang Ylang: has calming and sedating properties, it brings a feeling of self-love, confidence, joy, and peace, and is often used to help balance hormones.

Geranium: is often used to combat bone problems such as osteoporosis and helps with balancing hormones.”

Oh!! And did I mention it comes in a roller bottle? It’s so easy to apply! Simply rub on your belly, back of the neck, chest, or bottoms of the feet as needed.

How to purchase:

1) You can order directly from your already existing doterra account

2) Open a wholesale account and save 25% on every purchase at

3) Purchase at retail price ($34.67) or wholesale ($24.50) at

I’m here to help so please ask me questions! Leave a comment or shoot me an, and if you\’re feeling called to try Acupuncture I’d love to offer you 20% off your First Visit!

Be Well,
Cinthia Rivas, L.Ac.


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