Top 10 Essential Oils Every Household Should Have

Top 10 Essential Oils Every Household Should Have

In case you missed my Introduction to Essential Oils Webinar, here’s a recap!

Top 10 Essential Oils Every Household Should Have

1) Lavender-
Great for STRESS relief and SLEEP! I love making tea with hot water, a spoonful of raw honey, and 1 drop of lavender oil after a long taxing day.
Studies show Lavender helps boost seratonin levels!
-helps ease feelings of tension, stress, and anxiety
soothes skin irritations, burns, bugbites
-diffuse on your nightstand at bedtime, add a few drops to your pillow, bed sheets, back of the neck and bottoms of the feet for a restful night\’s sleep

*doterra is the only essential oil brand I trust to use internally

2) Peppermint-
My got to for HEADACHE relief! I dilute with doterra’s fractionated coconut oil and apply to the back of my neck, scalp, and temples as soon as I feel a headache coming on. Careful not to get any in your eyes as it will burn! This is also my go to when I need an energy boost and a little motivation.

*Always dilute with doterra’s fractionated coconut oil in case of irritation or skin sensitivity

-promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
-diffuse or apply to the back of the neck when you’re feeling tired or lack motivation
-helps with indigestion, gas, and bloating (add 1 drop to room temperature or hot water for digestive support)

3) Lemon-
I use Lemon on a regular basis. I add one drop to my water bottle to when I need to CLEANSE and hydrate my system. I also use in the kitchen to DISINFECT my sponges and to clean greasy pots and pans. It makes for a great salad dressing too! Just add 1-2 spoons of olive oil, and a little salt & pepper.
-naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion
-diffuse in your office or work space to help with focus/concentration
-diffuse to lift your spirits and promote a positive mood
-cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces
-supports healthy respiratory function
-pour 1-2 drops of lemon oil on sticky residues to remove from surfaces

4) Melaleuca (Tea Tree)-
When you wake up with a HUGE PIMPLE or get your eyebrows and bikini line waxed, use tea tree oil!
-soothes rashes, sunburns, skin infections
-Add 1-2 drops to water or a veggie cap to boost your immune system
-Apply to nails to keep fungus away
-natural lice repellant (really wish I knew this when I was in Elementary school!)
-use in a spray bottle with water and vinegar to kill household mold

5) Frankincense-
Known as the “King of Essential Oils.” When you’re not sure which oil to use, turn to Frankincense. I love addintg it to my facial moisturizer as it works wonders on WRINKLES! It’s also one of my favorte oils to use in meditation. It helps with focus and mimizing distractions, and can help enhance SPIRITUAL AWARENESS.
-Add to a moistrizer or fractionated coconut oil and apply topically to reduce the appearance of fine lines, blemishes, and to rejuvinate the skin
-Can be applied to the bottoms of feet to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.
-may help slow down the aging process
-take one to two drops in a veggie capsule to support healthy cellular function.
-Add to the back of the neck and bottoms of feet during meditation to help with grounding.

6) Oregano-
Oregano is a very powerful antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and antiviral oil. I’ve had FOOD POISONING twice this year and both times I took 3 drops of oregano in a veggie capsule and the vomiting and you know what stopped almost immediately!
-use while traveling for immnue boosting benefits and protection against parasites
-Used as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent
-Supports a healthy immune system, healthy digestion, and respiratory function when used internally

7) Breathe-
This is the top selling oil in my practice for any RESPIRATORY ISSUE. Some of my patients who are trying to quit smoking use this on their chest every night to help decongest their lungs. I love applying a few drops to my chest and back of neck before a workout.
-Diffuse, inhale from plams to help alleviate nasal congestion.
-Diffuse at night to help calm snoring
-supports healthy respiratory function
-Diffuse, inhale from palms to help alleviate allergy symptoms

8) Deep Blue-
If you love being physially active or have ACHES and PAINS, you’ll love this! This is my go to post run/hike/yoga! I also use this on every patient in my Acupucnture practice with any joint or muscle pain and it never fails.
-Soothes infalmmation, reduces soreness, and alleviates pain
-Apply on feet and knees before and after exercise.
-Massage Deep Blue with a few drops of carrier oil onto growing kids’ legs before bedtime.
-Rub Deep Blue on lower back muscles after a day of heavy lifting at work or during a move.
-Apply on area of body that needs relief

9) DigestZen-
No need for TUMS or Peptobismol! Great blend for DIGESTIVE SUPPORT. This is my go to around the holidays, whenever I have a heavy meal, or simply eat something that doesn’t sit well. I add 1-2 drops to an 8oz. glass of water. This blend also comes in roller bottle which makes it very easy to use topically.
-Supports healthy digestion when used internally
-Take orally to help reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion
-Rub over abdomen to help ease discomfort

10) On Gaurd-
Use this the minute you start to feel a SORE or ITCHY THROAT coming on. It’s a powerful Immune Booster and it smells like Fall in a bottle! The other thing I love about this blend is that it contains Clove oil which is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world!
-Protects against environmental threats
-Supports the body’s natural antioxidant defenses
-Promotes healthy circulation
-Energizing and uplifting aroma

Now, there are three ways to begin using doTERRA’S essential oils:
1) Purchase oils at the full retail price from
2) Pay a $35.00 memebrship fee (like Costco) and you can purchase your oils at wholsesale price (25% off retail)-highly recommend!
3) Purchase an Enrollment Kit. Witt the Enrollment Kit, YOUR MEMEBRSHIP FEE IS WAIVED and your kit oils are below wholesale pricing.

I would recommend option two or three based on your needs. Simply click on Link above, followed by Shop (Kits & Collections), Click on Enrollment Kits and follow step by step process (I can guide you through it if you’d prefer).

*All 10 Essential OIls mentioned above are availble in the Home Essentials Enrollment Kit- and the Family Physician Kit-

I know this is a lot of information and remember, I am here to guide you and answer any questions you might have. If you have a number of specific health conditions and aren’t sure where to start, leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail, and I will help you find the right oils/kit for you!

Be Well,
Cinthia Rivas, L.Ac.


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